Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Smiling, Endearing, Happy Brands

So here’s the thing about happy brands - they do a jig, hum a tune, skip along and wave out at every passer by. And everyone smiles back and feels a happy feel when  they encounter such a brand. So ever so often, they stop by, say hello, and buy a thing or two. Sometimes, its an impulsive just-for-the feel-good kind of purchase. But no one really regrets it.

A Chumbak clutch does it for me. It’s the very-endearingly-Indian prints on the products.  

Poppy colours, whimsical designs, quirky fun text.  Yes, and sometimes it’s the brand mascot that just reach out and touch an emotional chord somewhere. 

The Amul girl, the Air India Maharaja &  Ronald McDonald.  Yes, they have been spoken to death about, mostly because they are designed to leave an emotional connect. To me they are an instant reminder of comfort - of familiarity. They evoke an emotion before they evoke a thought. Designed to be endearing, and built for endurance, seems like. Each is over half a century old.

Can you imagine your brand having a mascot ? Or even a chat bot character ? You must give it a thought

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